Creating a simple multiple choice test

1. In the left-hand navigation, go to Course Tools > Tests, Surveys and Pools.

2. Choose Test > Build Test

3. Give it a name and click Submit.

4. It should say “This test has no questions!”. Go to Create Question > Multiple Choice.

5. Write the question under Question Text

6. Write in the possible answers. Mark the correct one using the circular radio button on the left.

7. Submit and create another

When you’ve entered all your questions, click Submit.

Making the test available to students

1. Go to the page in Learn where you want the test to appear.

2. Go to Assessments > Test.

3. Select your test from the list and click Submit.

4. Make sure the settings are as you want them.

Two important ones to check are:

  • Make the link available – this is set to No by default.
  • Multiple attempts – this is disabled by default

Once you’re happy with the settings, click Submit.

What happens to the results?

You can keep track of who’s done the test, and their results, in the Grade Centre. This is available in the left-hand navigation menu.