Tracking down missing recordings

Why recordings go missing

When you make a recording with Panopto, you identify a folder where you want the recording to be uploaded. This is usually the name of a course in Learn.

Destination folder for your recording

When you press stop, the recording will normally start uploading to that folder on the Panopto RecEd website.

Find out which folder the recording went into

Search your email

When a recording is uploaded, Panopto sends an email notification to the person who made the recording. This email states which folder the recording was put into.

To find this email, search your inbox for “[Panopto] Ready to view”.

Look on the Panopto RecEd site

Panopto RecEd website [opens in new tab]

Sign in with Blackboard Live (red button at the top right).

Sign in with Blackboard Live button

Use the search box to look for your recording

Location of search box on the Panopto RecED site

Alternatively, click “Everything” on the lefthand navigation for a list of all recordings that you have access to.

Location of Everything tab on the Panopto RecED site

If you can’t find the recording, get in touch with your School’s Panopto contact.

List of Panopto contacts

Move the recording to the correct folder

Once you’ve tracked down a missing recording, you’ll want to move it to the correct folder. To do this, click the Settings button for the recording:

Edit the folder:

Screenshot of RecEd site showing location of video settings button

Click Save, and click [X]. The recording will now be in its new folder.