Research into lecture capture

Read this first

Summary of lecture capture research and its use in UK Higher Education – Melissa Highton, Anne-Marie Scott and Liam Duffy, 2016.

This was presented to the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee in May 2016, and provides an excellent 4-page overview of current lecture capture research.

Our experience within PPLS

Piloting lecture capture in Psychology 2015-16 – Nick Daniels and Kasia Banas, 2016.

This report summarises the use of Panopto in pre-honours Psychology teaching 2015/16.

Journal articles and reports

Lecture capture technology and student performance in an operations management course – Sloan, 2014.

Includes a good overview of existing research.

Student use of recorded lectures – Karnad, 2013.

Report on use of lecture capture at LSE.

The effectiveness of classroom capture technology – Ford, 2012.

Research focuses on Psychology courses at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles.

Students and recorded lectures: survey on current use and demands for higher education – Gorissen, 2012.

Research undertaken at two universities in the Netherlands. Subject areas mainly Nursing / STEM.

Project report: Lecture capture pilot project – University of Edinburgh Information Services, 2009.

Blog posts and news articles

Justifying lecture capture: the importance of student experiences in understanding the value of learning technologies – Cornock, 2015.

Research project into lecture capture at the University of York.

What happens when students can choose between video and in-person lectures – McKee, 2014.

Blog post from an academic in Yale’s Economics department.

Myth busting about lecture capture – Henderson, 2014.

Blog post from the University of Oxford’s lecture capture roll-out team.

Videoing lectures ‘has no impact’ on attendance, says study – Havergal, 2015.

Times Higher Ed article reporting on pilot in a Computer Science course at Queen’s University Belfast.

More info on the original research here.